Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Feeling, My Thoughts

Music tells a million of things. Couple of songs to share here. Not really new songs. But it means a lot.

遇见- The Moment


Another song that brings some memory back. Just to share this KTV with all my friends and visitors here at My Wonderland.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

是非題 Shi Fei Ti

One of the song I have been hunting for. Plagiarize from Caramello's blog. Love it very much. But I won't talk much about it here. Up to you to digest and interpret.=)

每段故事 都有一篇劇情
每段愛情 都像動人旋律
一顆真心 卻只向著你前進 

你是窗外 另外一片風景
在你眼裡 我是什麼關係
你的呼吸 存在我的愛情里

那一句 我愛你 永遠像少了勇氣
沒有人相信 只有關心

那一些是非題 總讓人傷透腦筋
一定會有 美麗的愛情

你是窗外 另外一片風景
在你眼裡 我是什麼關系
你的呼吸 存在我的愛情裡

那一句 我愛你 永遠像少了勇氣
沒有人相信 只有關心

那一些是非題 總讓人傷透腦筋
一定會有 美麗的愛情

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Life

Finally, my appointment was made and went to see Dermatologist on Thursday. Good to find out that it wasn't a big deal nor sensitive to anything. Just a very normal skin problem. Three months of anti-histimine treatment should solve the problem. I'm kind of knowing the outcome before seeing the doctor after reading on my newly-bought Medical Book, quite worth it S$55+. But the medicine is making me extremely tired in the morning, even after a long night sleep. Maybe it was the medicine, I lost my appetite as well, or it might just because of the hot weather?

Again it's happy weekend. Next week is going to be another exciting week.